A 440 Scale


The A 440 Scale consists of these tones: C 261.6 Hz, D 293.7 Hz, E 329.6 Hz, F 349.2 Hz, G 392 Hz, A 440 Hz, B 493.9 Hz, C 523.2 Hz


The A 440 scale is commonly referred to as the “standard concert scale” in use by many orchestras world wide. SWB 256 Tuning Forks does not recommend or endorse this scale. We endorse the lower tuning of the Verdi scale based on Middle C = 256 Hz resulting in A=432 Hz. The Verdi scale is named after Giuseppi Verdi. Verdi proposed legislatively that this scale be adopted as the standard for all musical performances in Italy. He cited the scientific evidence that all human signing voices are structured into four registers. The registers are determined physiologically resulting in the six variations of voice: Soprano, Mezo-Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, and Bass.  Further, as Johann Sebastian Bach had demonstrated earlier, these physiologically determined voice “types” are centered around a middle C at 256 Hz. While we do not endorse the so-called standard concert scale we do produce and sell the fine quality tuning forks that make up this scale: C 261.6 Hz, D 293.7 Hz, E 329.6 Hz, F 349.2 Hz, G 392 Hz, A 440 Hz, B 493.9 Hz, C 523.2 Hz. Order the individual Tuning Forks HERE.

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