Physical Scale in Pouch


This scale includes the following frequencies: C 256 Hz, D 288 Hz,  E 320 Hz, F 341.3 Hz, G 384 Hz, A 426.7 Hz, B 480 Hz, and C 512 Hz (Details below)


The Physical Scale Tuning Forks, known also as the Pythagorean scale, Harmonic Spectrum Scale, and Chakra B Scale are based on C 256 Hz and its octave C 512 Hz.  This scale has many scientific, physical, sound, teaching and healing applications. The intervals are determined mathematically as opposed to the Verdi Tuning Scale that is based on human vocal registration. For example, in the Physical Scale A = 426.7 Hz but in the Verdi Scale A = 432 Hz.  The frequencies are C 256 Hz, D 288 Hz,  E 320 Hz, F 341.3 Hz, G 384 Hz, A 426.7 Hz, B 480 Hz, and C 512 Hz. The Hz is stamped on each fork.  The tuning forks in this scale are available individually HERE.

We recommend that the Harmonic Pythagorean Physical Scale Tuning Forks be unweighted. For weighted tuning forks or special requests, please email. These sets may also be ordered with or without the pouch.

All SWB256 Tuning Forks, made and shipped from the USA, are manufactured from a patented aluminum alloy specifically formulated for production of tuning forks. SWB 256 Tuning Forks are non-magnetic, non-rusting, and non-corroding. Frequency accuracy is guaranteed to with +/- .5% at 70 degrees Farenheit. With proper care, they will last a life-time.

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