Verdi Set of 3 Plus 1


Verdi Set of 3 unweighted 256 Hz, 432 Hz, 512 Hz plus an unweighted 128 Hz

The SWB 256 Verdi Set of 3 Plus 1 is perfect for musicians, scientists, healing, sound and wellness professionals, teachers, classrooms and researchers.

128 Hz unweighted (C below Middle C)
256 Hz unweighted (Middle C)
432 Hz unweighted (Verdi La)
512 Hz unweighted (Verdi octave)

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Each SWB 256 Tuning Fork is brand new, in plastic wrap and comes in a lightweight bag or pouch. SWB 256 aluminum, best quality, non-rusting, non-corroding tuning forks will last a lifetime with normal use and proper care.

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